Chiropractic Works FAQs

We’ll help you discover true health!
We feel it is our duty to provide answers for some of the most common questions we receive about chiropractic care. North Raleigh, chiropractor, is eager to help answer questions you may have about care here at Chiropractic Works. Please give us a call at (919) 865-6900 to get started today.
What kind of payment options are there?
We are an In-network provider for the majority of the insurances in our area. But we also provide affordable cash plans, liens for Personal Injury patients, and can work with patients with many payment options and plans.
Will I get adjusted on the first visit?
Dr. Murray will determine the best time to start adjustments based on the findings of an initial exam. In general, patients that are new to chiropractic care will only be adjusted after a thorough examination and review of all the findings, tests, and reports. Prior chiropractic patients without significant trauma may be adjusted the same day.
What makes Chiropractic Works Different from other North Raleigh Chiropractors?
Experience, Expertise, and Integrity. Dr. Murray will explain what is wrong, develop a plan to help, and discuss any other healthcare options available- all in a no nonsense, straightforward and common sense way. We put your healthcare first and foremost in our decisions and recommendations!
Call Chiropractic Works now to schedule an appointment and let’s see how chiropractic care can help you!